Cooler temperatures are upon us, which means less time will be spent in swimming pools and outdoor activities will be a little different. The summer heat can take a toll on our skin, even if you were diligent in wearing sun protection. Now that the intense heat is behind us, it’s time to focus on getting your skin back on track for the fall and winter months. Moisturizers are great this time of year, but a good chemical peel treatment or other treatment options are perfect places to start. Here are some options to help you get your skin ready for the fall.
Begin Fall With A Chemical Peel
A chemical peel is often the go-to treatment for people coming out of the summer months. It’s a quick and simple application that only takes up to 30 minutes to administer and the peeling process can last up to 12 days. The chemical solution creates an exfoliation process to remove the old and possibly damaged layers of skin and reveals the new skin from underneath. Once the new skin is revealed following your chemical peel, you’ll notice moisturizers becoming more effective and absorbing into the skin better to help it stay hydrated.
Treat Your Hyperpigmentation
One of the main reasons why people experience hyperpigmentation is because of excessive sun exposure. These dark spots sometimes go away on their own after several weeks or months, but other times treatments may be required to reduce the appearance. The pro yellow laser for hyperpigmentation is widely regarded as the best treatment option to eliminate dark spots on the skin. It’s safe, effective and targeted so you won’t have to be concerned about other areas on your body being impacted.
Reduce Skin Blemishes With Laser Treatments
You don’t have to live with skin blemishes like pigmentation, acne scars, sun damage or other skin irregularities forever. You may have noticed skin blemishes that just appeared during the summer or you may have dealt with some for many years before. Regardless, a fractional CO2 laser treatment is a great solution to reduce those blemishes this fall. It works by sending a laser beam through the layers of the skin to create tiny columns. The body then goes to work repairing those columns by replacing the old skin with new skin and creating more youthful and vibrant skin as a result.
Skin Deep Laser Services offers only the best skin treatments to clients who want to improve their skin’s appearance. Whether you have minor blemishes or major damage coming out of the summer months, a quick consultation with one of our professionals can give you an idea of what treatment options are available to you. We are here to answer any questions you may have and get you on the road to having the skin you desire, so contact us at any time to schedule your initial consultation.