Dealing with the presence of acne is frustrating. What may be even more frustrating is the constant reminder it can leave behind in the form of acne scars. Acne can cause mild to severe skin damage and lead to scarring. Some scars will slowly fade away over time, but more severe ones may require special treatments. If you do an online search for acne scar revision treatments, you’ll likely find an abundance of options. The truth is very few of those options actually work. Here are the most effective treatment options for acne scars based on proven results.
The Effectiveness of Acne Scar Laser Treatments
Acne scars can leave the skin looking red, splotchy and unattractive. The good news is with acne scar laser treatments, you can revise those scars and create smoother and more youthful skin. A licensed medical professional will send a laser beam into the skin to create tiny columns where skin damage is present. At that point, the body will naturally begin repairing those columns with new skin, while pushing out the old and damaged skin. Clear and smooth skin will follow afterward, and the best part about it is the treatment boosts collagen and elastin production so you’ll enjoy the results for the long-term.
Chemical Peels For Minor Acne Scarring
While acne scar laser treatments can revise virtually any type of scar, a chemical peel is designed more for minor or moderate scarring. The process involves a medical professional applying the chemical peel to the affected area and allowing the chemicals to go to work. You can compare a chemical peel to an exfoliation process since it removes old and damaged layers of skin and replaces it with new skin. Scarring will slowly fade away throughout the process, which can take up to a couple of weeks. You can continue doing most normal activities, but sun exposure should be limited as much as possible since the skin will be more vulnerable and sensitive.
Consult With Your Medical Professional For Advice
There are many acne scar revision treatments available, but chemical peels and laser treatments are by far the most effective. It’s always important to discuss your options with your medical professional since everyone’s skin is different and the severity of the scars may vary. The best professionals will ensure the right treatment option is selected so you will have smooth, youthful and healthy skin in the future.
Skin Deep Laser Services offers both acne scar laser treatments and chemical peel treatments in our facility. We meet with each of our clients to discuss their specific concerns and desires before recommending the best possible treatment options. We know how frustrating it can be dealing with acne scars, so we offer state-of-the-art treatments to ensure you will be satisfied with your results for the long-term. To learn more about these treatment options, contact us today to schedule your consultation.