A common misconception about laser hair removal is a single treatment will eliminate the need to shave forever. While that is the end goal, multiple treatments are required to achieve it. Hair grows in different stages, and the best way to eliminate it is to get it treated when it’s actively growing. This just means you’ll have to continue shaving in between your laser hair removal treatments until it has finally stopped growing back. Here are some tips when it comes to the timing of your shaving routine.
Can You Shave After Laser Hair Removal?
You can shave after you are receive a laser hair removal treatment. However, it is important that you do not shave right away.
You’ll be required by your medical professional to shave several days before your appointment to ensure the hair is the right length. Even the best hair removal laser won’t be effective if it’s unable to target your hair follicles. Then once you get treated, it’s best to wait several days before you shave the treated area. Everyone’s body is different so the best thing to do is touch the skin to determine the sensitivity before shaving. If you shave too quickly you may irritate the skin even more, so waiting at least three or four days after your treatment is usually ideal.
Exfoliate After The Hair Has Shed
A few days following your laser hair removal treatment, you may notice your hair shedding. This is completely normal and is a sign the treatment worked. The hairs that fall out are the ones that were damaged by the laser and will no longer come back. Before you shave, consider exfoliating the skin to get all of the damaged hair out. This step isn’t necessarily a requirement, but it will make your shave more effective by doing so.
Plan Your Shaving Around Your Next Appointment
Take note of how often you had to shave before your laser hair removal treatment and then how much the frequency decreased afterward. If you used to have to shave every three days, you may be able to reduce it to every four days now. When looking ahead, ask your medical professional when you should shave before your next appointment to ensure the hair is the proper length to make the most out of your treatment.
Skin Deep Laser Services offers affordable laser hair removal to our clients because everyone deserves to feel comfortable and confident in their skin. We are very involved with the process of every laser hair removal treatment in order to maximize its effectiveness. One of the main reasons why some people don’t think hair removal treatments work is because they did not let their hair grow out to the proper length and did not shave at the appropriate times. We will guide you along the way to ensure you get the most out of every treatment. Be sure to contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more.