
5 Ways to Tackle Dry Skin

5 Ways to Tackle Dry Skin Photo

Almost everyone will experience dry skin at some point. Dry skin can occur because of the weather, not properly moisturizing the skin, not getting the right skincare treatments and more. Most of the time dry skin is nothing to worry about too much. You can eliminate dry skin by taking small steps, such as getting a chemical peel facial. Here are five ways you can get rid of your dry skin for good.

Exfoliate Periodically

Exfoliating can remove the flaky dead skin and allow the moisturizers you use to be more effective by opening the skin’s pores. Depending on the sensitivity of your skin, you can start with a gentle exfoliation process before getting a complete chemical peel facial. One of the many chemical peel benefits is getting rid of dry and damaged skin and replacing it with newer and more youthful skin.

Moisturize Properly

Moisturizing the skin with the right products can eliminate dry skin as well. There are plenty of options to choose from, so be sure to select the right product suitable for your skin type. Seek the advice from a medical professional if needed. Moisturizers work much more effectively following a chemical peel facial as well.

Don’t Scrub The Skin Harshly

It’s tempting to scrub the skin in the shower or throughout the day when you see flakes. However, this is only going to make the dryness worse since it’s stripping the natural oils from the skin. Instead, clean the skin gently with mild cleaners and use a moisturizing product afterward. You’ll have a much higher likelihood of slowly getting your skin back to proper hydration levels as a result.

Protect The Skin From The Sun

Sun damaged skin can dry out quickly. Any time you go outside, it’s important to use some sort of sun protection on the skin. Your face is the most vulnerable part of the body to being burned by the sun’s rays, so apply sun protection early and often to prevent dry skin and other potential damage.

Laser Skin Resurfacing

One of the treatment options not yet mentioned is laser skin resurfacing. Not only does laser skin resurfacing help improve pore size, wrinkles, fine lines, skin texture and more, but it can also help the skin retain moisture. The process will help you look younger in a matter of a week or so, and you’ll also enjoy healthier skin.

Skin Deep Laser Services serves clients in the Washington DC, Fairfax, Alexandria and Arlington, VA areas. We see clients all the time who are concerned with dry skin, and we have different solutions to help. After a brief consultation, we will determine which treatment options is best for you and always answer any questions you have. To learn more about our services and how we can help you have the skin you desire, contact us today.

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