
Are You Causing Your Skin to Look Older Than It Is?

Are You Causing Your Skin to Look Older Than It Is? Photo

If you look in the mirror and notice signs of aging, but you aren’t old enough to show these signs yet, it may be time to evaluate your daily habits. Everyone wants to have a youthful complexion. Life can sometimes get in the way, though, since stress and lack of sleep can be some of the main reasons why you look older than you are. The good news is there are treatment options with a skin resurfacing laser to rejuvenate your skin and make it look younger. But before you have to opt for those treatments, here are some of the daily habits you may have that are causing your skin to age more quickly.

Too Much Stress

You probably have heard stress causes you to age, and it’s true to an extent. Constantly being stressed can take a toll on your body and will start showing on your skin over time. Stress can cause a lack of sleep, eating an unhealthy diet, acne breakouts and more. If you develop acne resulting from stress, talk to your medical professional about getting a chemical peel for acne. Otherwise, as impossible as it may seem, the best thing you can do is reduce stressful situations throughout the day as much as possible.

Unhealthy Diet

Many of the skin issues people have are a direct result of the foods they consume. Eating junk food throughout the day could be a good stress reliever, but it could also be contributing to the aging of your skin. Be conscious of what you put in your body to slow down the aging of your skin and prevent you from having to get a skin resurfacing laser treatment.

Lack of Sleep

Getting between seven and nine hours of sleep every night is recommended for adults. The adult body needs to release growth hormones to renew skin and body tissues, and not getting enough sleep won’t allow this to happen. The result could be bags under the eyes, wrinkles, fine lines and more. Getting a CO2 laser eye lift can correct the issue, but being conscious of the amount of sleep you’re getting will help as well.

Avoiding Sunscreen Use

The UV rays from the sun can create some serious problems for your skin if you’re exposed to it for an extended amount of time every day. Not using sunscreen can weaken your skin cells and accelerate the aging process. Many clients have to get skin resurfacing laser treatments over time, but the best thing you can do is be proactive in protecting your skin from the sun.

Skin Deep Laser Services wants everyone in the Washington D.C. and Arlington, Virginia areas to have a youthful skin complexion. We use the best technology to provide the best service and treatment options for our clients. To learn more about how you can rejuvenate your skin, contact us today to set up a free consultation with one of our medical professionals.

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