
Can Pollution Damage Your Skin?

Can Pollution Damage Your Skin? Photo

Air pollution is a global concern. While our efforts of reducing pollution as much as possible are helping the cause, there are still plenty of health concerns to worry about. One aspect of air pollution that doesn’t get mentioned enough is the damage it can cause to our skin. Breathing in the pollutants is bad enough, but how can you defend against them on your skin? Being aware is important, and also incorporating a chemical peel occasionally can help keep the skin clean. Here’s what to know about air pollution and the impact on your skin.

Biggest Concerns With Pollution

People who live in areas with a significant amount of pollution may experience more hyperpigmentation, clogged skin pores, loss of skin elasticity and firmness, premature aging and more. It’s easy to blame these issues on simply getting older or the UV rays from the sun, but the reality is pollution plays a big role as well. The good news is laser skin resurfacing with a fractional CO2 laser can help revise the skin, but it’s still important to be proactive to prevent larger skin issues from developing.

Proactive Measures To Protect Your Skin From Pollutants

Even though you can’t see the air pollution most of the time, it’s important to be conscious that it surrounds you every day. Skin care products designed to hydrate and protect the skin, like sunscreen, can be extremely valuable during the day. And when you get home at night, it’s equally as important to cleanse the skin thoroughly to remove any of the trapped pollutants. Incorporating a chemical peel once every few weeks can exfoliate the skin, unclog the pores and keep it looking fresh and healthy as well.

How Do You Know If Your Skin is Damaged?

Most people don’t realize how much pollution is impacting their skin until they notice visible signs of aging or other skin blemishes. The best thing to do is assume air pollution is impacting the skin negatively and take proactive steps to protect it. You can always fall back on laser skin resurfacing to address any long-standing skin concerns, but getting ahead of the issue can lead to fewer problems.

Skin Deep Laser Services is well aware of the pollution in the Washington DC, Alexandria, Arlington and Fairfax, VA areas. Pollutants will continue to be a major problem globally and locally, so protecting the skin is critical. Healthy skin is less vulnerable to experiencing major problems or premature signs of aging, so contact us for a free consultation and evaluation of your skin. We are here to help ensure your skin is protected and healthy.

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