Unsightly skin pores can be annoying and a constant battle for some people. There are many different creams and lotions designed to help improve pore size, but many times those products will just make it worse. Improving pore size generally comes down to having the proper skincare routine. However, your routine can get a boost by getting help from a CO2 laser skin resurfacing procedure or a chemical peel. Here are a few tips on how to make your pores appear smaller.
Exfoliate Periodically
Exfoliating is important for everyone to do routinely. You don’t have to exfoliate on a daily basis, but some products will allow you to do it a couple times each week. However, one of the best ways to exfoliate the skin is with a chemical peel. The process works by having a medical professional apply a chemical solution to the skin, which will cause an exfoliation process to begin. Over the course of several days, you will notice the old and damaged skin peeling off and newer skin appearing from underneath.
Reduce The Usage of Makeup or Moisturizers
Your pores have to breathe in order for them to look healthy. Constantly using makeup or moisturizers can eventually clog up the pores due to the oils and other chemicals contained in them. To make your pores look smaller, try reducing the amount of makeup or moisturizer you use, or completely skip it for a couple of days each week if possible. Combining this tip with getting a chemical peel could produce great results and your pore size should decrease within a matter of weeks.
Consider Laser Skin Resurfacing
Getting a CO2 laser skin resurfacing procedure done can also significantly decrease pore size. It works by sending a laser beam through the skin to create tiny spaced columns. The skin will then naturally go to work repairing those columns by forcing out the old skin and replacing it with newer and healthier skin. Not only will you enjoy healthier looking pores within a few short days, but the results can last for six months or more depending on your skincare routine afterward.
Skin Deep Laser Services offers many different services to clients in Washington DC, Fairfax, Arlington and Alexandria, VA. We deliver the best chemical peel results to our clients to help them improve their pore size and have healthier looking skin. We also use the top laser technology for our CO2 laser skin resurfacing procedures. If you’re ready to improve your pore size and the overall appearance of your skin, contact us today to schedule a consultation to see how we can help.