Red moles are also known as cherry angiomas. You may have them on your skin and have never realized what they are. Most of the time they will appear on the chest, back, neck or face, but can pop up anywhere on the body. It’s understandable when you are concerned about the appearance of a red mole and want to undergo red mole removal immediately, but the truth is there’s usually nothing to worry about.
Why Am I Getting Red Moles?
Research suggests the development of red moles is genetic. However, there are plenty of theories as to how they can show up on your body. So before you look into the removal of cherry angioma procedures, here’s what you need to know about possibly preventing them from occurring.
How are they treated
Red moles also are known as cherry angiomas are common skin growths that can develop in most areas of the body usually found in people 30 years or older. Cherry angiomas do not usually need to be treated however, you do have the option to remove it for cosmetic reasons. Typically, you would only want to have it removed if the area it is in is easily bumped which can lead to bleeding. Some of the treatment to remove cherry angiomas include freezing, burning the angiomas.
Protect Your Skin From The Sun
If your skin is constantly exposed to direct UV rays, your chances of developing a red mole may increase. Too much sun exposure could cause red moles to develop, and could even make existing red moles on the body get worse. While the vast majority of red moles aren’t dangerous, there is a minimal chance they could grow into something more dangerous, so it’s always best to protect them when you can. And if it ever gets to that point, then you can always get a red mole removal procedure completed.
Stay Hydrated And Properly Nourished
It’s important to stay hydrated and consume a healthy diet for many reasons, but some medical professionals suggest this can also prevent red moles from developing. It’s normal to develop a few red moles over the course of a lifetime, but if you have a significant amount all over your body, it could be a sign of an underlying issue. So if you’re a generally healthy person and have a good dieting and exercising routine, but still develop red moles often, consider visiting a medical professional for a checkup.
Other Causes of Red Moles
Red moles are mostly hereditary, but can also develop as you get older, as life becomes stressful or for many other reasons. If you only have sporadic red moles developing on the body, many medical professionals suggest using a cherry angioma removal laser to get rid of them. The red moles will not return in that location, but there’s always the possibility of others developing in other areas. The red mole removal process is simple, quick and straightforward, so most people will get treated as needed and focus more on solutions rather than causes.
At Skin Deep Laser Services, we understand when our clients have concerns about any part of their skin. We work with clients in the Washington DC, Alexandria, Arlington and Fairfax, VA areas to help them understand what’s going on with their body and how we can transform it to create the appearance they desire. The red mole removal process is very simple, so contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about it.