
Popular Misconceptions About Acne You May Believe

Popular Misconceptions About Acne You May Believe Photo

Millions of people across the country are dealing with acne. But while the issue is a common one, it can be difficult for people to know how to separate fact from myth. You have to be careful what you believe on the Internet, since some of the misconceptions could actually lead to more harm than good. It’s possible to get laser scar revision for your acne when the damage is done, but it may also be possible to avoid getting to that point. Here are some of the most popular misconceptions about acne you may believe, but shouldn’t.

Only People With Oily Skin Get Acne

The belief is people with oily skin are more prone to having their pores clogged, resulting in acne. While this is true to a certain extent, it’s not completely factual. Anyone can get acne for many different reasons. Using moisturizers can help with any skin type, as long as the specific product is designed for your type of skin. Incorporating the wrong moisturizer could lead to needing more extensive acne scar treatments in the future.

Acne Only Affects Teenagers

If you went through your teenage years without having to deal with acne, consider yourself lucky. However, some people find they are developing new acne breakouts in their 30’s and beyond. Acne doesn’t magically disappear after your teenage years, and breakouts can occur for various reasons. You may have had laser skin resurfacing for acne scars once you got your acne under control as a teenager, but it’s entirely possible to have to get more treatments later in life as well.

Cleaning The Skin More Will Prevent Acne

While it’s true that acne develops due to buildup of dirt and oils in your pores, the solution isn’t always to clean and scrub the skin more. Cleaning the skin too much can irritate it to the point where more acne can develop than before. The key is to gently wash the skin and use the right moisturizers to keep the acne under control. Washing the skin too much or too intensely can lead to more acne, and the possible need for acne scar treatments.

People With Acne Have to Live With It

Finally, possibly the most common misconception about acne is people who have it have to live with it. There are plenty of techniques available today to get rid of acne, including laser scar revision. People who are constantly dealing with acne may benefit from seeking a medical professional to determine which acne scar treatments are right for them.

Skin Deep Laser Services wants to help clients in Washington DC, Fairfax, Alexandria and Arlington, Virginia have the beautiful skin they desire. We understand the struggles of having acne, and our innovative acne scar treatments can help. To learn more about our services and how we can help create the youthful skin you deserve, contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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