A lot of people want to change how they look for different reasons. For me, it is because of two things: age and divorce. After my marriage ended, being over 40, I wanted to somehow start a new chapter in my life. I felt like having a different look is a big part in this. I know there’s make-up, hairstyles, and fashion that could change my appearance but I wanted something that really has to do with changing my skin. With age, a lot of things become more apparent like wrinkles, age spots, and overall textural irregularities. I wanted these irregularities removed so that I may feel the satisfaction of having gotten rid of the remnants of a bad marriage that may have contributed to a faster aging process. I want to renew myself, my life and I wanted to start there.
Thanks to my good friend, I was able to find a solution known as Fraxel laser skin resurfacing treatment. You see, I live in Virginia. It is a place where I know a lot of people but only very few real friends and this period of my life is a private affair. You have to be sure about being with those people who show genuine interest in your life. One can never be too sure, so be very sure.
I had zero idea what the Fraxel laser skin resurfacing procedure was all about. My friend said she just found about it online and that it was the next best thing to a facelift! She didn’t get a treatment yet but the curiosity was killing her so she was very happy hear of my interest in the procedure. She wanted to tag along and watch. So she practically sold it to me! Thankfully I’m quite fond of the internet so it was very easy for me to search for more information about it.
Although the before and after pictures online we remarkable, there were a lot of things I didn’t really understand in the articles that I read because I’m not a Doctor and I’ve never had any sort of cosmetic treatments like it. So I decided to schedule a consultation.
During the consultation, I didn’t hesitate to ask all the questions. At the top of my list was safety. They told me that if I were to follow all their instructions before, during and after having to undergo the Fraxel laser skin resurfacing treatment then I’m a hundred percent safe. I also asked about credibility, experience and on what grounds are they able to do these things. The specialists showed certifications proving their competence and trustworthiness. In addition, they also showed me the most advanced and effective laser technologies they used and patiently explained how they work. Their effort in doing all those things was commendable, very professional and very convincing.
I wanted the Fraxel laser skin resurfacing treatment to help relieve my wrinkles and my problems on my skin. Lucky for me, I was also able to arrange to have the laser stretch mark removal procedure, which is offered by the same laser technology, simply because I thought that I’d kill two birds with one stone. Mine as well take of as much as I can in one appointment. Though recovery time was less than 2 weeks before my face looked awesome, the entire curing procedure took a few months and now my face looks amazing! I wish I would have gotten this treatment in my 30’s!!! The Fraxel laser skin resurfacing treatment wasn’t cheap but was more than worth it. My face looks 10 years younger. The laser stretch mark removal treatment was also incredible and I wish I would have gotten that treatment done 20 years ago!!!!. I don’t want to sound vain but my looks have seriously improved. My dreaded wrinkles were alleviated and my skin texture really improved, stretch marks lightened and I feel brand new!
I want to share more about the technicalities about what I went through in this life-changing event of my life. But really, all I did was show up and follow what the specialists told me. For one, is not to panic, apply this ointment, cream a few times per day. Don’t expose myself to the sun and other things like that. After finishing everything, I am so ready to face this new chapter in my life and I’m so thankful having found a reliable skin care center here in Virginia that tailor-fit my needs and I got through the procedure safely and successfully. It is a long way to go, but I’m definitely one foot forward.