Nearly all of us would love to slow down the aging process. Most people wouldn’t mind looking five or ten years younger. However, most of us don’t want to have to undergo invasive surgeries or inject any substances into our bodies.
Plus, if you’ve been looking into ways to remove blemishes or look younger, you’ve probably seen all the creams and lotions. You know they don’t work! A logical person is left with little option when searching for effective anti-aging treatments. Enter Co2 Fraxel laser treatments.
What is Co2 Fraxel Laser Treatment?
The Co2 Fraxel laser is an advanced piece of technology, but how it works is simple. The Co2 Fraxel laser penetrates the top layers of your skin. The light energy penetrates into the deep layers of skin and places microcolumns in the tissue. Next, the skin heals these wounds by regenerating new collagen, tissue and skin cells.
The Fraxel laser process rejuvenates the collagen and elastin in the skin which naturally smoothes wrinkles and fine lines while also improving any scarring. Due to the nature of the process, most patients start to see beneficial results 1 month after their initial treatment and will continue to see improvement for up to 6 months after.
The Benefits of the Co2 Fraxel Laser
The Fraxel laser has quickly become the go-to procedure for many when treating all types of skin blemishes. Many cite the numerous advantages of the laser for its rapid rise in popularity. Laser therapy has been shown to be effective in treating:
- Severe sun damage
- Removing age spots
- Eliminating wrinkles
- Reducing fine lines
- Erasing the damaging effects of acne
- Soothing surface scarring
…And much more!
Is Fraxel Laser Treatment Safe?
While nothing in life is guaranteed, Fraxel laser treatments have been shown to be incredibly safe. Nearly a million individuals from all walks of life have undergone treatment with Co2 lasers and not had any issues. This technology has been proven to be safe and effective.
Fraxel treatments are very safe because the operations are minimally invasive. You don’t need to have surgery to get results with laser therapy. It’s important to note that skin conditions and skin types vary, there are a few side effects that can occur.
Fraxel Treatment Guidelines
Each treatment lasts around 15-45 minutes using the Fraxel laser. Duration depends on the area being treated, condition, skin type and more. Most patients see the best results with these kinds of procedures within 1-5 treatments. The time between sessions will vary and improvement from session to session is often seen (between 1-3 months after each round).
Most patients do not report a great deal of pain when undergoing laser therapy. However, post-therapy there is usually a feeling of a slight sunburn around the area that was treated.
Fraxel Lasers In Washington, D.C.
If you’re in the Washington, D.C. metro area and curious about Fraxel therapy – get in touch. At Skin Deep Laser Services, we specialize in treating all sorts of skin conditions and blemishes with Co2 laser treatments. We look forward to making sure your skin looks and feels younger!